Andreea + Alex from bbvideo on Vimeo.
Another kind of video, a special wedding for all those who were with Andreea and Alex at the most important event in their life. For us it was a challenge and with this opportunity we thank the couple that they had full trust in us and in our vision of making this video. Every year we try to improve ourselves and bring something new in wedding videography.We tried to change the routine that we face every event and we think that we succeeded.The party was extraordinary, the location was amazing and the guests were excited by good music provided by the band „De la Fun” … all was a recipe for success.
There are much more things to say and I think there are a lot of people who were present and certainly tell better than us. Unfortunately is not our case, we don’t know how to narrate … We know just to shoot 🙂 Enjoy!
Un videoclip altfel zic eu, o nunta speciala pentru toti cei care au fost alaturi de Andreea si Alex la cel mai important eveniment din viata lor. Pentru noi a fost o provocare si le multumim cu aceasta ocazie mirilor ca au avut deplina incredere in noi si in ideea noastra de a realiza acest videoclip. An de an incercam sa ne perfectionam si sa aducem ceva nou in videografia de nunta.Am vrut sa schimbam putin rutina cu care ne confruntam la fiecare eveniment si noi credem ca ne-a iesit.Petrecerea a fost extraordinara,locatiile pe masura, invitatii au fost incantati de muzica buna asigurata de trupa „De la Fun”…totul intr-o reteta de succes.
Sunt mult mai multe lucruri de spus si cred ca sunt o multime de persoane care au fost de fata si se pricep mult mai bine decat noi in a povesti prin cuvinte frumoase. Din pacate nu este si cazul nostru, nu ne pricepem…Noi stim doar sa filmam 🙂 Enjoy!
Video – Claudiu si Marian Coman
Foto – Marius Gionea